picoCTF: keygenme-py

picoCTF, writeup, reverse-engineering

Info #

Problem link - picoCTF: keygenme-py

Solution #

A python program is provided for which we need to find the license key. Going through the whole code is quite frustrating and can look daunting.

Here are some of the important bits -


username_trial = "ANDERSON"
bUsername_trial = b"ANDERSON"

key_part_static1_trial = "picoCTF{1n_7h3_|<3y_of_"
key_part_dynamic1_trial = "xxxxxxxx"
key_part_static2_trial = "}"
key_full_template_trial = key_part_static1_trial + key_part_dynamic1_trial + key_part_static2_trial


def enter_license():
    user_key = input("\nEnter your license key: ")
    user_key = user_key.strip()

    global bUsername_trial
    if check_key(user_key, bUsername_trial):
        print("\nKey is NOT VALID. Check your data entry.\n\n")

def check_key(key, username_trial):

    global key_full_template_trial

    if len(key) != len(key_full_template_trial):
        return False
        # Check static base key part --v
        i = 0
        for c in key_part_static1_trial:
            if key[i] != c:
                return False

            i += 1

        # TODO : test performance on toolbox container
        # Check dynamic part --v
        if key[i] != hashlib.sha256(username_trial).hexdigest()[4]:
            return False
            i += 1

        if key[i] != hashlib.sha256(username_trial).hexdigest()[5]:
            return False
            i += 1

        if key[i] != hashlib.sha256(username_trial).hexdigest()[3]:
            return False
            i += 1

        if key[i] != hashlib.sha256(username_trial).hexdigest()[6]:
            return False
            i += 1

        if key[i] != hashlib.sha256(username_trial).hexdigest()[2]:
            return False
            i += 1

        if key[i] != hashlib.sha256(username_trial).hexdigest()[7]:
            return False
            i += 1

        if key[i] != hashlib.sha256(username_trial).hexdigest()[1]:
            return False
            i += 1

        if key[i] != hashlib.sha256(username_trial).hexdigest()[8]:
            return False

        return True

To summarize the above part, we need to input a key so that we can decrypt the full version.

First, look in the enter_license function -

if check_key(user_key, bUsername_trial):

Here, check_key function is being called with two arguments. user_key is the string input by the user and bUsername_trial = b"ANDERSON"

First check #

Now, let’s dive into check_key function.

# key = user_key
# key_full_template_trial = "picoCTF{1n_7h3_|<3y_of_xxxxxxxx}"

if len(key) != len(key_full_template_trial):
	return False

Here the input string’s length should be equal to key_full_template_trial variable. If we make key = key_full_template_trial, the length will be equal by default.

So, for now -

key = "picoCTF{1n_7h3_|<3y_of_xxxxxxxx}"

Second check #

Here is the second check -

# key_part_static1_trial = "picoCTF{1n_7h3_|<3y_of_"

i = 0
for c in key_part_static1_trial:
    if key[i] != c:
        return False

    i += 1

This part checks that the input string(key) starts with picoCTF{1n_7h3_|<3y_of_ or not. If it doesn’t, return False otherwise move to the next bit.

Our key starts with key_part_static1_trial string, so no change is needed. By the end of the second check, our key is -

key = "picoCTF{1n_7h3_|<3y_of_xxxxxxxx}"

Third check #

Now comes the final check -

if key[i] != hashlib.sha256(username_trial).hexdigest()[4]:
    return False
    i += 1

if key[i] != hashlib.sha256(username_trial).hexdigest()[5]:
    return False
    i += 1

if key[i] != hashlib.sha256(username_trial).hexdigest()[3]:
    return False
    i += 1

if key[i] != hashlib.sha256(username_trial).hexdigest()[6]:
    return False
    i += 1

if key[i] != hashlib.sha256(username_trial).hexdigest()[2]:
    return False
    i += 1

if key[i] != hashlib.sha256(username_trial).hexdigest()[7]:
    return False
    i += 1

if key[i] != hashlib.sha256(username_trial).hexdigest()[1]:
    return False
    i += 1

if key[i] != hashlib.sha256(username_trial).hexdigest()[8]:
    return False

return True

There are bunch of if-conditions to check string past picoCTF{1n_7h3_|<3y_of_ (bunch of xxxx…). Let’s look at one if-condition because all the rest of if-conditions are replica of the same.

# username_trial = b"ANDERSON"

if key[i] != hashlib.sha256(username_trial).hexdigest()[4]:
    return False

The 4th index of hash of string username_trial should replace the first x in the key. Likewise 5, 3, 6, 2, 7, 1, 8 should replace the rest of x. To calculate that, we can use few lines of python code -

import hashlib

keys = [4,5,3,6,2,7,1,8]
username_trial =  b"ANDERSON"
username_hash = hashlib.sha256(username_trial).hexdigest()

final_keys = ""

for key in keys:


# output - 01582419

We need to replace this number with series of xxx... in key and we are done.

key = "picoCTF{1n_7h3_|<3y_of_01582419}"

Flag #

Here is the flag -
